
Im so excited....

and I just can't hide it..(and I know for a fact you are now singing that song in your head, or out loud even.. You are welcome). The reason for my excitement is that I am out of school for the summer (hooray), I got a B on the  final exam (thank you, thank you), which means I got a B in the class (no applause needed) and I am moving on to my last semester of nursing school~(Thank the Lord).

This means I have all summer to work and get some MUCH needed cleaning and organizing done in my house. This also means I will probably get to lower my insulin doses some. It never fails that during the semester I have to go up on my basal rate but when breaks come (and I get to de-stress) they go down... WAY down! So I will be checking a lot more than usual right now until they reach a plateau.

It is amazing what stress (or the lack of) will do to the body.

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