
My Story.

I went to the doctor in June 2007 for a beyond terrible sore throat. I went to sleep fine the night before and woke up the next morning thinking for sure I had strep. I weighed 141lb at that appointment and as it turned out there was nothing (that they could find) wrong with me. They gave me an antibiotic but told me to wait 24 hours and see if the sore throat went away. By the next day I was fine and there was no need for the antibiotic (weird right?). The next few months were some of the roughest I have ever been through, however I didn't know it at the time.

 I started to notice that I was drinking a lot more (I mean anything I could get my hands on and chug). People stopped letting me take “sips” of their drinks because they started realizing I was handing them back an empty cup. On a road trip with my boyfriend (now husband) I remember him clearly telling me that I did not need to stop for the 18th time to get something to drink because I “ didn't really know what thirsty was”. Not to mention at this point I had to pee just about every 5 minutes. What he didn't know was that without something to drink I felt like my tongue was going to shrivel up and turn to dust inside my mouth, I would get THAT thirsty within minutes. Friends were starting to notice that I was losing weight and asking what my “secret” was because I was eating like I was starving. I told them that I may have lost a few pounds and it was probably just stress (my relationship was starting to fall apart).

Around July it started getting harder for people to wake me up and I was falling asleep at random times (which is very unlike me). I was also sleeping until about 2pm every day and then curling up in bed exhausted by 11. It was around this time that I started to notice the raging bitch come out of me at random times. This is what inevitably ended my relationship, but I will get to that. In mid July we took a family vacation to Orlando and it became a running joke that every time we got to the theme park, got off a ride or hell walked 10 minutes I had to pee and then get something to drink. I forgot to mention that I would base where I went to eat on what they had to drink… Chili’s strawberry lemonade was my favorite (and I would drink about 15 before dinner was over.. no joke). But no one suspected anything. During this trip I started to see just how tired really I was. I would shower sitting down, not even attempt to blow dry my hair and forget about putting on makeup, It took up too much energy.

Nick broke up with me August 18, 2007 (don’t worry, we got back together). This started my downfall. He told me I was crazy and he couldn't deal with it anymore (and he was right). A few days later, in an attempt to change some things up a bit, I started painting my bedroom. This is when my dad started to notice that something was wrong. I would paint for about 10 minutes, and just lay on the floor for about 45. I was EXHAUSTED all the time! He would come in laughing about how much I had accomplished, so I started painting sitting down. I then started to notice that food and drinks tasted funny and everything burned like I was drinking hot sauce. I mean everything burned… even milk. I went into the bathroom and opened my mouth to see a white/partially green in places, tongue and in an attempt to tell myself I was fine I grabbed a toothbrush… BAD IDEA. That was pretty painful. I walked into my dad’s office, asked if “this” was normal and opened my mouth. In the calmest voice he could he said “I am sure you are fine”. *I forgot to mention that I am a hypochondriac  so this was normal behavior* It was then, as I turned to leave his office and go back to my room that he noticed the tank top and sweatpants that once used to fit were falling off of me. Before I could leave the room he asked me a question. “I need you to be honest with me, are you bulimic?” I couldn't blame him for jumping to that conclusion, I looked like I was. The problem was, I ate more than normal, I was just losing weight (sounds amazing right?).

He waited for me to leave the room before calling my mom and making me a doctor’s appointment for the next day. I was diagnosed with Adult Onset Juvenile Diabetes on Wednesday, August 22, 2007 at age 20 (3 months away from my 21st birthday). I weighed 114lb at that appointment (I am 5’9). In a matter of 2 months I had unintentionally lost 27lbs. The sad part was, all I wanted was a sweet tea. Welp.. no more of that. I had no idea what that meant for me. I went 20 years with no real problems, how was I supposed to know that one little diagnosis would change my life forever. I hit my lowest point with the diagnosis about 6 months later when it hit me that this was a life-long thing. I guess I was in denial before then thinking it would magically go away somehow. But just like the depression hit me one day, there was a day that I woke up and finally accepted that this is who I am now. Diabetes is a hard thing, and it is a constant struggle and something I will forever worry about but it is not something that will hold me back or keep me from achieving my goals. If anything diabetes is the reason I am where I am today. I don’t claim to be an expert and I am not living the way that I should most of the time.. I am just a 26 year old still trying to figure out how to manage my disease.

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  1. It's a little frightening hearing from you what sounds like my own story. I too had gradually become thirsty all the time and would be picking places to go based off of their yummy strawberry lemonade. I was losing weight and everyone was asking what my secret was. I told them the biggest change was how much water I was drinking but I really was working on adjusting my diet and lose weight. I was tired but I work graveyard shifts mixed with evening shifts so I can be tired anyway at odd hours. All three of my siblings are doctors and sort of plotted behind my back to figure out what was really going on because I was losing weight far faster than I should have been. Thyroid issues run in the family and that was the first thing eliminated and they were worried about cancer or HIV. Then they got my mother's glucose monitor and tested me. I was at a whopping 435!

    Thank you for writing this blog I look forward to future posts.

    1. It is amazing how fast it all happens! Thank you for sharing this! always nice to hear other people's stories!


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